Friday, April 16, 2010


Started working on book 2 again. Not sure where the swamp will take me but I'll go where ever it leads. Doing pretty good on sending out copies to friends & family in hopes of promoting word of mouth referrals. Trying to set up a media kit & push the book for reviews. Can't wait for the day this is strictly full time career work, lol. Looking forward to a few reviews by those already reading the book. Hoping to use a few for the media kits. Website has done ok, gotten about 700 hits but looking to a lot more soon. Trying to get it listed with the major search engines. Also checking on hard cover versions. Who knows??

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First Books published!!

I've just published my first two books. One is a full length novel titled "Reeshard and The Great Parish Swamp" and the other is a childrens book titled "The Adventures of Ernie I Saw". Unfortunately I've had to do everything from self publishing to website work and book promotion. Without proper financing I'm learning to do it all the hard way, but with good support and hopefully good demand on the books that might all change. If you're not familiar with my books you can check out previews at my website ( ). I hope everyone will take a look and let me know what you think.